11th Annual European Cyber Security Conference 2024

12. February 2024by ancilia
11th Annual European Cyber Security Conference 2024

Meet us at the 11th Annual European Cyber Security Conference

19 March 2024 in Brussels

The 11th Annual European Cyber Security Conference aims to convene policymakers, industry stakeholders, and esteemed experts in cyber security and defense to delve into Europe’s strategies for addressing cyber and hybrid security challenges amidst a rapidly evolving global risk landscape. The conference will explore avenues for Europe to maintain its leadership in cyber security advancements and contribute to worldwide endeavors in securing our digital future. Key topics of discussion will include assessing the effectiveness of the European cyber security policy framework in protecting the continent’s digital economy and shaping priorities for the upcoming mandate.

Additionally, the event will examine approaches to nurturing trust in the digital era through initiatives such as security by design, ensuring supply chain integrity, and understanding the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence in the realm of cyber security. Emphasizing the significance of enhanced collaboration, both among EU Member States and with international allies, the conference will underscore the imperative of cooperation in cyber security, defense, and diplomacy within the current volatile geopolitical landscape.

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Key Topics

The European Cybersecurity Policy Framework

Security by Design and Supply Chain Integrity

The European Cybersecurity Policy Framework

Strengthening Cyber Security Cooperation Mechanisms

Global Synergies for Cyber Security

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OUR LOCATIONSWhere to find us?

Ancilia GmbH
Gotenstr. 18
20097 Hamburg

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OUR LOCATIONWhere to find us?

Ancilia GmbH
Gotenstr. 18
20097 Hamburg

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Copyright by Ancilia GmbH 2024. All rights reserved.

Copyright by Ancilia Cyber Defence 2024. All rights reserved.